Introducing The Choice Collective: A Q&A with Choice CEO Heather Adams

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As we continue to navigate a time of uncertainty and turmoil, Choice hopes to be a solid communications resource to business leaders. With the launch of The Choice Collective, we’re sitting down with CEO Heather Adams to find out a little bit more about what to expect, why now, who should participate and her desired outcomes for the members.

Heather, what exactly is the Choice Collective?

The Choice Collective is a masterclass or mastermind, if you will, for small business owners, influencers, speakers, authors and leaders who need strong, sound communication guidance.


Why launch this right now in the middle of a pandemic?

That’s exactly why we’re launching it now! We are hearing from so many leaders about the constant struggles they’re facing. They don’t know how to communicate well and effectively. They aren’t sure how much to say and when. They are afraid to sell right now, but must in order to keep their businesses alive. They want to reassure their team and their clients, but lack confidence in the messaging. They know that they have a product or service that would really help someone right now but have no idea how to get it in front of media gatekeepers who only seem to be covering COVID-19. One of our clients shared how isolated she feels as a business owner making decisions that will affect the trajectory of her business. She’s nervous and feels alone in this season. We want to build a community that not only supports and encourages one another, but one where we are learning from each other and emerging stronger on the other side because we were in the trenches together through this. 

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Who is the Collective for? Who is going to benefit most from joining?

If you are a small business owner or someone leading and managing people within your company, this is for you. If you are an influencer who has lost a significant portion of your business because brand partnerships have pulled their ad dollars, the Collective will help you pivot. If you’re in marketing, PR, or promotions for your organization and need to create clear, concise and compelling messaging to your consumers, our coaching will step you through it. If you don’t have a strong social media presence or plan for engagement, we will be your guide. If you hope to connect directly with media, but have no access then Choice will determine your best angles and opportunities.


How much does it cost to join the Collective and what’s the commitment?

This will be a 3-month commitment for May, June and July. It costs $250/month. We want to make this accessible to as many people as possible. Right now, you may not be able to invest in a lengthy retainer. You need immediate assistance and must be super strategic with every dollar you spend. We will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (May 12 & 26, June 9 & 23, July 14 & 28) for one hour each session. To enroll, simply send your first month’s payment of $250 to our Venmo Heather-Adams-Choice-Media with your name, email and phone number. We’ll take it from there! Registration closes THIS FRIDAY, MAY 8, at 5 pm CST. 

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What will the agenda for each session look like? And what will you cover topic-wise?

We’ll spend a good portion of our time together each month on the actual communications coaching from our Choice team. During that section we’ll cover exactly what you share with us you need most. Once you are enrolled, we’ll send you a survey for you to complete answering your biggest felt needs and challenges so we know exactly how to shape our training. We plan to address internal and external communication, exuding confidence, customized messaging to your audience, social media, content creation, media angles and opportunities. In addition to our programmed coaching, we’ll dedicate a significant amount of time to Q&A each session. This way we can answer your concerns and questions right in that moment, specific to your business. 


What is your desired outcome for The Choice Collective?

We want the opportunity to serve as many people as possible right now, regardless of platform size, industry or scope of work. Our number one core value at Choice is that We Believe Relationships Matter. We know building a community of engaged leaders supporting, encouraging, aiding and teaching one another is exactly how we’re going to win the marathon that is in front of us. Let Choice be your guide through this hard season. Let’s be stronger TOGETHER!

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This Intentional Life: Our Sincerest Thanks - One Month In with Heather Adams
