3 Pieces of Advice for the College Student Looking for a Job or Internship

To the college student looking for a job or internship, 

The fact you are reading this blog means you are interested, or - if you are anything like me in college - stressed about finding a job or internship. Maybe you are a college student relentlessly stalking job boards in search of an awe-inspiring summer internship. Or perhaps, it's September, and you are a college senior watching your peers post job acceptances on LinkedIn while you have no idea what you want to do with your life… Friends, let’s take a deep breath (Because I sure needed one when I was in your shoes). 

During my junior and senior years of college, I found myself in both of the above scenarios - and I won't sugar coat it. It was an overwhelming and stressful time in my life. However, now that I am on the other side, I hope to provide a few pieces of advice and words of encouragement to keep you from obsessing and stressing over your job search. 

Below are the three most important things college students should remember when searching for a job or internship in the PR industry. 

You don’t have to find a job or internship eight months in advance. 

You might be trying to apply for jobs and internships way too early. Be strategic when applying to jobs. Many job listings in the PR industry will not go live until much later in the school year. Do your research and mark the dates that job and internship applications go live on your calendar. Trust me; this will save you from obsessing about finding a summer internship in October. 

Reach out to your network.

Never underestimate the power of your connections. Chances are you know someone who knows someone that has a job in the PR industry. In my job search, the best thing I did was connect with several PR professionals and ask them questions about their experience. I learned so much about the industry, and as an added bonus, I became more confident in my ability to communicate professionally. Your network is powerful, and you never know how they might be able to help you in the future (or vice versa!).  

Go to your school’s career fair.

Think your network is lacking? That’s okay! The career fair is a perfect place to build one. You learn how to interact with PR professionals at a career fair and flex your own professional muscle. Ask good questions by researching the companies before you go and let them know what you can bring to the table. Remember, these people are humans too, and they probably want you to apply for a job as much as you want to work there. So don’t psych yourself out too much. You are going to do great! 

Though the process of finding a job or internship can be overwhelming, I hope these pieces of advice ease your mind and empower you as you enter the professional landscape. This is a time that can be exciting and life-changing. Remember not to take things too seriously or personally. Finding a job and an internship is important business - don’t get me wrong. But it does not define you, your intelligence, or your work ethic. 

We are rooting for each of you here at Choice. Feel free to reach out in the comments with any questions, or simply let us know how you are doing as you navigate the professional world. We would love to hear from you! 

Cheering you on, 

Abbie (Associate Publicist)


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