Prioritize Yourself in 2022

Something is refreshing about Januarys and the mentality of experiencing a ‘new beginning.’ As you’re reevaluating your priorities for the year, it’s a great time to make sure you’re intentionally creating balance. We’ve all heard that too much of anything can be dangerous - that includes work! So I encourage you to try and combat feelings of burnout by creating sustainable routines that prioritize YOU.

Have you seen Shawn Achor’s TED Talk about happiness? He says that 90% of our long-term happiness depends on how we process the world. If we come to situations with a positive mindset, we are more likely to perform well. This statistic made me question when I feel most optimistic. I tend to have a positive attitude when I feel organized and equipped with resources to tackle new challenges. 

These are my three recommendations for combating burnout + prioritizing myself in 2022:

Organize Your Calendar

  • Schedule EVERYTHING. Block off time for work and play. Assigning time for everything will help prevent feelings of guilt or shame that you should be doing something else.

  • Designate a specific time for reflection. Life moves fast, but reflection helps us find meaning and set intentions.

  • Schedule personal check-ins to evaluate your goals and progress. We do regular performance reviews with our supervisors, and we should do them ourselves too.

Set Boundaries

  • Turn off work notifications outside of working hours. At Choice, we encourage employees to update their account preferences so that Slack notifications automatically pause between 5 pm-8 am.

  • Let people know you’ll respond to emails within X amount of time. Setting an expectation will help ease your felt sense of obligation to react when you first receive a message.

  • Don’t be afraid to say “NO.” Acknowledge when you don’t have the bandwidth to complete a task and politely decline invitations to take on more.

Seek Fun

  • Engage in activities that energize you! Read, hike, watch movies, or whatever brings you joy.

  • Spend quality time with your friends and family that make you laugh. You can even create a fun environment by hosting meetings at a local coffee show during the workday. Find ways to inject fun into otherwise ordinary activities.

  • Celebrate all accomplishments (no matter how small). Share the success with your team and supporters!

Focusing on these 3 tasks helps me prioritize myself and increase my happiness. What practices are you using to prioritize yourself in 2022?


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