It’s Time For a Reel Challenge - Are You Ready?

It’s all the rage these days on Instagram — reels. You know them, and you either love or hate them. No matter your stance though, if you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, trying to grow your audience or personal brand, you know the extreme value they hold. This feature that Instagram rolled out in August of last year is the key to getting in front of a brand new, wider audience than your typical followers. 

As we go into the new year, I want to invite you to take full advantage of this feature by challenging you to a reel challenge. 30 days, 1 reel per day. I know, I know, that sounds like too much work, or you don’t even have a clue as to what types of videos you’d create. Trust me, I know it may feel like a daunting task, but once you start, the ideas will continue flowing. (Speaking from experience, here.) 

What are the benefits of investing time in reels? 

  1. Increased Reach - The Instagram algorithm is pushing reels out to a wider audience, getting you in front of more and more people. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but when you’re scrolling your feed, or your explore page, the majority of posts are reels. Coincidence? Absolutely not. Why does that matter for you and your content? Reels have crazy high reach due to them being favored and pushed so you’ll find that a vast majority of your views on reels will come from individuals who don’t even follow you! If you create and publish 30 reels in 30 days, you’ll almost certainly see an increase in your reach. (Tip: be sure to write down what your reach is prior to you beginning the challenge, and then check it again at the end of your 30 days and compare.)

  2. New Followers - Directly related to number one, but it’s clear that if you’re getting in front of a larger audience, there are going to be new followers that come along as a result of that. Don’t worry if you’re seeing some people unfollow you due to your posting of reels, that is going to happen and is a normal part of the ebb and flow of a social media channel. Regardless, the number of new followers will exceed the random unfollow here and there. Additionally, when you’re making reels dedicated to your niche, you’re going to gain the right kind of followers, rather than those who don’t find value or benefit from your content. 

  3. More Comfortable on Camera + Allows You to Show Personality - Let’s be honest, it can be scary and pretty uncomfortable to film yourself (especially some of the trendier reels that include lip syncing or dancing), but this is a great time to practice! These short videos also allow you the opportunity to give people a deeper look into your personality, and gives them a sense of relatability to you.

5 Examples of Reels You Can Make 






Let us know if you try it out and be sure to tag us if you do so we can cheer you on!

You’ve got this!

- Hannah


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