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Prior to going into any industry, there are always many questions and preconceived notions before jumping into the actual work. I will never forget sitting in one of my first public relations classes in college and asking myself, “How can I enter into the field of PR, pitching national media, with a focus on clients with a Christian message and platform?” In this industry, I thought speaking about my faith with clients, media, and even my team was unheard of.

Today, I realize how unaware I was of the possibilities and opportunities in the PR and communications industry. Working with predominantly Christian clients while pitching the majority to mainstream contacts has opened my eyes to the never-ending possibilities of making someone or something known, to all parts of the world.

I often pinch myself thinking about the incredible and transformative clients we represent. Having the opportunity to help them reach more and more people across a spectrum they never even imagined is something I always dreamed about. Crafting and strategizing ways to take a Christian message mainstream is one of my most beloved tasks. While this can be complex and sensitive at times, it opens so much room for creativity for an area the rest of the Choice team and I have a real enthusiasm for.

If you are looking to take your Christian message mainstream, here are a few tips and tricks to aid in your pursuit:


Identify what makes you unique.
When you look at your message, your brand or your company, first identify distinguishing factors. What makes you unique? What makes you stand out from anyone else? Do you have expertise in a topic that distinguishes you from competitors or similar brands? Capitalize on what makes you unique to enter into a mainstream light. Rich Froning has a key identifier: his title as “The Fittest Man in History.” Capitalizing on this wording and his knowledge in the fitness arena allows entry to many major outlets where he can then speak more about his faith, his adoption story, his role as a mentor and coach, and more.

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Stay on top of the news cycle.
We often share how important it is to stay on top of the news daily. This is key to finding coverage opportunities in which you can respond to events and take advantage of the news cycle. Identify and prepare parts of your message that are newsworthy and research these opportunities so you can be ready when a relevant chance comes your way. With Katherine Wolf’s inspiring story, we had already prepared a pitch around stroke awareness (she had a stroke at 26). With the recent tragic loss of Luke Perry, we crafted a quick response to that news story for coverage opportunities that would benefit stroke awareness. This offered an opportunity for Katherine to speak to mainstream media about her personal story, and also shed light on her overall ministry work with Hope Heals.

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Stay true to your message.
Know who you are and what you stand for. When looking for mainstream opportunities, look for those where you can speak on topics that you believe in and those that are still true to your brand. Being transparent is crucial so you can maintain a Christian voice while also stepping into a mainstream light. Jordan Lee Dooley and Case Keenum both have had significant success as an entrepreneur and NFL quarterback. The two can share specific insights and actionable steps in regards to success in mainstream media, that align with their values, while also gaining the opportunity to speak more about their mission and their why.

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Brainstorm how your Christian message is universally relevant.
Take the time to look through all aspects of your messaging and begin to identify how it can be universally relevant to different groups of people. Jessica Honegger is empowering women globally through her business, Noonday Collection, and women everywhere relate to this message of empowerment. Jessica Turner is a relatable working mom who speaks to the elusive “balance,” which is another sought after subject, as mothers in all seasons find it a constant struggle and seek regular advice and counsel. Look for opportunities where you can speak on broad topics, then narrow into your true message.

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Taking your Christian message mainstream is an area we at Choice are so passionate about! We believe in the incredible opportunities this brings by sharing important truth with people who may never hear it otherwise. We hope this advice and our practical tips will help you as you seek to grow your audience and platform!




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