It’s time to catch up…


Hey, friends! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve shared here in this space, and I’m so excited to officially re-launch the Choice blog today.

As 2020 did for so many, it prompted me to reflect on and re-evaluate what we were doing here at Choice. At the onset of the pandemic, my phone was ringing off the hook. Friends, colleagues, business owners, mere acquaintances, were calling me to ask for advice about how to handle different aspects of the pandemic.

Heather, how do I reassure my team when I don’t know what the future holds?

What do I tell my customers?

How do I communicate our plans with our donor base? 

People sincerely needed our help and expertise, and it didn’t feel right to only help those who could afford our retainer price tag in such dire and unprecedented circumstances. Our team began brainstorming ways we could help these business owners and leaders, and we quickly launched our very first Choice Collective, our Mastermind service offering that allows a small group of leaders to meet with our team on a monthly basis to learn about different communications best practices, and to also discuss their most pressing communications needs and questions.

But more than prompting the creation of that offering, this experience helped me to realize that our team has so much more to offer than media bookings. Do we still offer publicity campaigns and secure media opportunities for our clients? Of course! That core service offering will always be part of our DNA and one of our most notable proficiencies, but the heart of everything we do at Choice is to come alongside our clients and those in our industry and link arms.

As a small business owner, I know what it feels like to link arms with other small business owners, and I know what it feels like to have someone wag their finger at me for doing something all wrong, or not even knowing where to start. At Choice, our mantra is “Allies, not competitors,” and I can guarantee you that you will never experience any finger wagging or one-upping here.

Out of this deep-seated desire to link arms with those in our community, we’ve decided to reframe the content we’re providing across all of our channels (hopefully you’ve already stumbled upon my new podcast, Make Me Known), including what you’ll find here on the blog.  

As we breathe life back into this space, you’ll find a new post here every Wednesday, the content of which will always align with one of our four core content competencies (say that three times fast!):

Communications, topics may include:

  • Best practices for communicating with your employees, clients, and donors

  • The 3 things you never do in a crisis situation

  • How to craft a subject line that doesn’t land your pitch in a spam folder

  • Tips for positioning yourself or your business in a competitive marketplace

Entrepreneurship, topics may include:

  • Lessons I’ve learned as a CEO

  • How to recruit and maintain top-level talent

  • Best practices for starting your business

  • How to build the team you need


Empowering Women & Leadership, topics may include:

  • How to find (and be) a mentor

  • Equipping your team with the leadership skills they need

  • Top 10 things I’ve learned from my business coach

  • What the women coming behind you need to know


Relationships, topics may include:

  • How to model leadership skills for your children

  • 3 ways to prioritize self care as a busy working parent

  • Why I hate the word “balance” and what I strive for instead

  • Ideas for prioritizing your marriage during a busy work season 

Our desire is for this to be a space where our team provides valuable insights into the different areas that busy, working women juggle day in and day out, and that you can immediately take and apply what we’re sharing to your own life, business, and career. 

 That’s our hope for the content you’ll find here, but I want to hear from you. 

What are your biggest needs and struggles in this season? 

How can we serve you well? 

What questions do you have for us?

Your feedback is extremely important to us, so please drop us a line below and let us know how we can link arms with you in this space “See” you here next Wednesday!




How to Create an Enjoyable Client Experience
