In our first blog post of this series, we began with Book Publishing: Key Questions to Ask At Every Stage Series: The Marketing Team, where we addressed all of the questions you should know before the marketing stage of your book release. We will now switch our view to the key questions to ask when beginning the publicity of your upcoming book release.
Did you know…
(An estimated) 2.2 million new titles are published every year and less than 500 of those become NYT bestsellers, at best.
Your chances of becoming a NYT bestseller are 1 in 4,000
The average book sells less than 200 units per year (yikes!)
These statistics are not meant to scare you or derail you from your goals but instead to help you understand how crucial the publicity around your book release is to the overall success of your book.
We have gathered questions to ask your publisher or publicity team to help set you up for success as you begin your book release journey:
Have you worked with similar authors or topics similar to mine?
Can you share some examples?
What relationships do you have with media outlets that share stories, topics or themes similar to my book?
How will you spend your time investing in my book?
What five media outlets would you like to see my book or story featured in?
What are your short lead and long lead media plans?
What is the main focus of the publicity efforts?
What does a win look like for publicity for my book?
Will you support me in working with local and national media?
As the author, what can I be doing to assist in your publicity efforts?
Would I have the chance to review publicity material before it’s shared with the media?
How will you report on the results?
There’s a story inside of you that demands to be told. It will change lives if only you could figure out how to get it in front of the right people. It’s hard to breakthrough in the publishing industry. It’s hard to get people—publicists, media, publishers—to care about your book.
But it doesn’t have to be.
That’s where Book(ed) by Choice comes in! Drawing on our President and CEO Heather Adams’s 20 years of hard-earned publishing wisdom and publicity know-how, Booked will teach you everything you need to know to confidently and successfully launch your book and prepare you with the assets you need to get started immediately.
So if you’ve been searching for the right tools to help you launch your book or grow your platform, we hope you’ll click over to Book(ed) by Choice and learn more about how it can help you do just that!
And stay tuned for the next blog post in our Book Publishing: Key Questions to Ask At Every Stage series. We’ll be tackling Literary Agents and more.
May 11, 2022
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