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Live Date: Monday, September 28, 2020


Show Description: On today’s episode, Heather talks all things Enneagram with Beth McCord! Also known as Your Enneagram Coach, Beth is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, and Enneagram teacher for nearly two decades. Heather walks through each Enneagram type with Beth, asking three specific questions in the realm of leadership. They unpack each type’s superpower as a leader, mistakes in leading each type, and better ways to lead each type. 


Link to Full Episode


Biggest Takeaways:


  • Beth explains the Enneagram as an internal GPS that tells us why we do things in both healthy and unhealthy ways. Of course, we are all different, but the Enneagram helps us understand our and others’ core motivations, desires, and weaknesses, to better understand what drives each person.


  • Heather speaks with Beth a bit about each Enneagram number, specifically on the topic of leadership. Here’s what Beth shared about each type:


  • The Moral Perfectionist/Enneagram One’s superpower as a leader: Morally and ethically, Ones instinctively know what’s right and wrong

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram One: Ones are constantly criticizing themselves, so if you are also criticizing them, it can cause a visceral reaction from Ones

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Ones most effectively to bring out their best? Affirm Ones in what they are doing well and right, rather than criticize what they are doing wrong





  • The Supportive Advisor/Enneagram Two’s superpower as a leader: They can feel others’ feelings and know what their needs are

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Two: Underappreciating their help

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Twos most effectively to bring out their best? Notice what they are doing, affirm their help, but also affirm their personhood





  • The Successful Achiever/Enneagram Three’s superpower as a leader: Goal setters and achievers, as well as team building.

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Three: Nit-picking or questioning their motives

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Three most effectively to bring out their best? Affirm the good they do and brainstorm new ways with them, rather than just tell them





  • The Romantic individualist/Enneagram Four’s superpower as a leader: Creativity and deep emotional understanding

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Four: Compare their work with others

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Fours most effectively to bring out their best? Ask for clarification and elevate their work





  • The Intellectual Thinker/Enneagram Five’s superpower as a leader: Information gatherer

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Five: Surprise them or put obligations on them that they weren’t expecting

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Five most effectively to bring out their best? Give them space so they can be with the team when needed





  • The Loyal Guardian/Enneagram Six’s superpower as a leader: Loyalty and ability to carry a lot

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Six: Question their loyalty and commitment

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Sixes most effectively to bring out their best? Be mindful of their ability to see the pitfalls, and share thoughtful affirmations





  • The Entertaining Optimist/Enneagram Seven’s superpower as a leader: Positivity, creativity and viewing failure as a new opportunity

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Seven: Give them mundane or boring tasks

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Sevens most effectively to bring out their best? Give them room to brainstorm and tasks that help them grow





  • The Protective Challenger/Enneagram Eight’s superpower as a leader: Identifying people’s strengths and where to use them within a team

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Eight: Betray, lie or misguide them

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Eights most effectively to bring out their best? Encourage their ability to get things done and lead them well





  • The Peaceful Mediator/Enneagram Nine’s superpower as a leader: Empathy and understanding each person’s perspective

    1. The biggest mistake you can make leading an Enneagram Nine: Overlook them

    2. How can someone lead Enneagram Nines most effectively to bring out their best? Affirm, affirm, affirm







  • “And so we kind of think of this as that internal GPS and we have a healthiest destination for our type, and we have those moments where we veer off course and fall into common pitfalls that we have. And there’s so often that we kind of want to like pull our hair out and go, why did I do that again? Like I know better, but we find ourselves fall into those common pitfalls, but we don’t understand why. The Enneagram is going to give us language to understand why we might do that, but also a path of growth. So, it really gives this clarity.” – Beth McCord 7:09


  • So everything we’re doing here is to point people back to the real source of hope in life, which is Jesus, and not to how we’re failing or our shame or guilt because there’s no more condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. So, if we can really look at Him and lean on Him and by faith, walk out what he has called us to do, we will experience that abundant life that he has already given to us.” – Beth McCord 12:06


  • “It is a blessing and a curse that I feel like a superpower of mine is to find the mistakes. And, to figure out and to conduct ourselves with high moral turpitude and a lot of integrity in the way we represent our clients or the way we interact as a team.” – Heather Adams 12:46


  • “We see the world through our lens, right? And, maybe even a little bit of other lenses. But then when we’re with someone that’s completely different, we’re like, how do you see it this way? But, it’s when we open our heart, and we recognize there are other ways of doing life and seeing life and interpreting it and reacting to it. It gives that sense of compassion or that intrigue that can really bless relationships.” – Beth McCord 37:19


  • “We have to learn what the other person needs, and how they want to receive it, and to give that to them, even if it’s not how we would normally want it ourselves. That’s where this can be really dynamic.” – Beth McCord 46:07


Resources and Links from Show: 




