Live Date: June 2, 2021


Show Description: In today’s conversation, Heather talks with Victoria Marcouillier, the owner and creative director of the web design company, Brandwell. Heather recently hired Victoria to walk Choice through a complete website rebrand and was so thrilled with the end product that she had to have her on the show to talk all things web design. Heather and Victoria discuss how entrepreneurs can make their website stand out in an oversaturated market, web design tips to help attract and convert clients, and the value of investing in experts to help you level up your business.


Link to Full Episode

 This Episode Will Teach You:

  • Leveling up your business with branding and design 

  • Questions to ask your website developer 

  • How your website plays a role in attracting your ideal client 

  • 5 tips for turning your ideal client into a paying client 

  • Why you should avoid website design trends 

  • DIY vs. Outsourcing: The value of investing in your business 

  • Why you can’t be everything for your business all the time 

Biggest Takeaways 

  • Victoria works with female entrepreneurs across a variety of industries and knows that there are hundreds if not thousands of other people offering the same service you are trying to offer. The number one question she gets is - How do you set yourself apart? The answer is branding. Branding is the first step in web design and sets the tone for your website. Before you think about designing a website, Hannah explains that you have to develop essential branding assets like a logo suite, color codes, and fonts that will then be directly applied when designing your website and set you apart from your competitors. 

  • Victoria shares five web design tips that can help you convert a potential client into a paying client: 

    • Tell people exactly what you do within three seconds of landing on your homepage

    • Showcase client testimonials all over your website, not just on a reviews page

    • Have a high-contrast call to action button that clearly shows people what the next step is

    • Make your customer the center of your website narrative, prove how you will answer their questions and solve their problems 

    • Show pictures of yourself and/or your team on your website  

  • As an entrepreneur, Victoria has felt the pressure to please mount with the growth of her business. The number one thing Victoria sees holding entrepreneurs back, including herself, is a desire to wear all the hats and be everything for their business. Instead, Victoria emphasizes that the one thing that has helped her scale her business the most is investing in her business by hiring better and smarter people than herself in areas beyond her expertise. 

About the Guest:

  • Victoria Marcouillier is the owner and creative director of Brandwell. As a website designer, Victoria helps female entrepreneurs turn their side-hustle into a booming business by providing stunning web design and branding. Victoria is a graduate of Liberty University, a mother to Maya, and wife to James. 


  • “There are a lot of definitions for branding out there but our definition for it at Brandwell is essentially this - Branding is what sets you apart in a saturated market.” Victoria Marcouillier 8:30

  • “In a project like branding and web design, you just have to capitalize on momentum. When you lose momentum, it’s no longer exciting, it’s just a task.” Victoria Marcouillier 15:20

  • “It’s just really important that when you are working with a designer to build a brand that they give you guide for how the brand is intended to be used because you can work with a designer and be given a gorgeous set of logos or color palette but if you are not given the tool kit that you need to take that and continue on with your brand...then it was a waste of your money.” Victoria Marcouillier 19:20

  • “Your website is where you can educate people, entertain people, and you can also persuade them that they need a product or service that you have to offer. Your website allows you to take people on this strategic journey of who you are , how you relate to whatever struggle your potential client if facing, how you can solve that struggle for them and what they need to do to hire you” Victoria Marcouillier 

  • “A really common mistake we see with websites is that people have a reviews page and they just list reviews a mile long on that reviews page but that is the only place on their site that you’ll be able to find them/ The sad thing is that is somebody dost click on that page, they are not getting to see all the social proof that you’ve collected of how great you are or how your product really does work or how your service solves a problem.” Victoria Marcouillier 28:40

  • “Don’t worry so much about trends. Be in the know with what works in terms of conversion for a website like high contrast call to action, lots of rich content throughout your website but when it comes to design and color scheme what works for you and your target audience is what you need to be focused on” Victoria Marcouillier 

  • “When I land on a website and it’s all stock photography of flat lays and hands typing on a laptop that just doesn't really have the same effect as when I land on a website and I see really captivating imagery with people in it” Victoria Marcouillier 34: 48

  • “We want to wear all of the hats, we want to be everything for our business but at the end of the day as humans we simply can't.” Victoria Marcouillier

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